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Don Ruiz Café

Don Ruiz is a 4th generation coffee producer and specialty coffee roaster whose ancestors arrived in the Caribbean Islands during the 15th-century Spanish colonization and also from Corsica during the 19th-century Industrial Revolution.

Café, which translates as "coffee" in Spanish, was introduced to the Caribbean's Tropical Paradise Islands, formerly known as The Spanish West Indies, by Spanish immigrants in the mid-18th century. These islands include Hispaniola (modern-day Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Cuba, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico.

Café, according to Don Ruiz, is a “Un Regalo de Dios”  (A Gift from God).

Don Ruiz Café continues the family legacy of roasting specialty coffees from the tropical areas of the Caribbean, Central America, South America, Asia, and Africa.

Many who have experienced his freshly ground coffee would arguably say that Don Ruiz Café is simply the best.